Introduction to Digital Photography An extremely popular course for anyone, of any age. Suitable for first time users to the more advanced film user wanting to take the plunge into digital imagery. The course comprises 4 x 2.5 hour evening classes and a 2.5 hour field trip so you get some practical advice in the field. Jargon Busting Understanding the basics of photography The features on your camera and
there practical applications There is a maximum of 2 people per class so that YOU get the most from YOUR camera. We strongly believe that large classes and/or short course's on digital photography do not work. Total cost: $160.00 Learning Adobe Photoshop This course is a 1:1 (private tuition to your level, at your pace) practical course custom made to your requirements and lifestyle. It can be taken slowly (5 x 2 hour sessions) for first time users or over a weekend for the more advanced. Mornings, afternoons or evenings, it's up to you. I recommend 4 x 2.5 hour sessions as follows Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Total cost only $250.00 (for a limited time only).
All images and site content are copyright The Darkroom 2006
Website designed by Helen Drummond